In partnership with the Scottish Business Resilience Centre and the North West Regional Organised Crime Unit, we have created a Cyber Incident Response Pack, which contains documents to help support your business plan its response to a cyber incident. These documents are designed to complement any existing plans or assist you in creating one.

The Incident Response Pack contains:
Incident Response Guide Introduction
Prepare Your Business Checklist: Use this checklist to help prepare for, respond and recover from cyber incidents.
Emergency Contact List Template: Use this word document to capture business emergency contact details.
Incident Response Communications: Core questions you need to address when planning and dealing with a crisis.
Legal Implications of a Cyber Incident: Awareness of key commercial and legal implications of a cyber incident. Who do you need to report to and by when?
To download your copy of the Cyber Incident Response pack, please use the form below and we will send it to you via email:
*Anyone wishing to learn more about cyber resilience can sign up for our Free Membership, this is a helpful introduction to cyber resilience and how all staff should be cyber aware.
Anyone can find themselves the victim of Cybercrime.
If you or someone else is in immediate danger or risk of harm dial 999 now.
Reporting a live Cyber Attack 24/7
If you are a business, charity or other organisation which is currently suffering a live cyber attack (in progress), please call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 immediately.
This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Alternatively you can call your local Police at any time on 101.